Thursday, August 1, 2019

Draft Order 2019

  1. P Funk All Stars (1-12)
  2. Mandalorian Warriors (2-11)
  3. Jedi Knights (4-9)
  4. Another Bad Creation (4-9)
  5. Italian Stallionz (5-8) *TB Winner
  6. Xur and the Ko-Dan Armada (6-7)
  7. The Autumn Wind / Hungry Ouroboros (6-7)
  8. * Fockers (7-5)
  9. Ann Arbor Bamfers (6-7)
  10. Team Cameltoe (7-6)
  11. Stink Pink Gators (8-5)
  12. Sweep the Leg Zabka (8-5)
  13. Squirtle Squad (9-4)
  14. 100 Acre Wood Pooh Bears (9-3-1) *Champion
  15. MoRRie’s Pogiboys (10-3)
  16. Team Grrrrrific (11-2)

1 comment:

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